Ekrem Buğra Ekinci (1966 - ) is a Turkish academic. He is a professor of the history of Turkish Law and Islamic Law. He is currently a member of the Faculty of Law of Marmara University.
Ekrem Buğra Ekinci was graduated from the Faculty of Law of Ankara University in 1987. He completed his lawyer apprenticeship in 1988 and gained a master of laws degree in 1991. In 1996 he gained a degree of doctor of laws (Ph.D) in the Faculty of Law of Istanbul University. In 1999, Dr. Ekinci became an associate professor of history of law by his dissertation on Ottoman courts. In 2005, he was appointed as a full professor.
Dr. Ekinci was a researcher in the University of Jordan in Amman between 1992 and 1993. He worked at faculties of law in Ankara and Erzincan. He speaks English and Arabic.
- * Ateş İstidâsı-İslâm-Osmanlı Hukukunda Mahkeme Kararlarının Kontrolü (Appeal in Ottoman Law)
- * İslâm Hukuku ve Önceki Şeriatler (Islam and the Laws of Previous Religions)
- * Osmanlı Mahkemeleri (Ottoman Courts)
- * İslâm Hukukunda Değişmenin Sınırı (The Fundamentals of Change in Islamic Law)
- * İslâm Hukuku (Islamic Law)
- * İslâm Hukuku Tarihi (A History of Islamic Law)
- * Karakoç Serkiz-Külliyât-ı Kavânîn Fihrist-i Târihî, with Mehmet Akif Aydın, Mehmet Akman, Fethi Gedikli and Macit Kenanoğlu
- * Ahmed Cevdet Paşa ve Mecelle (Ahmed Cevdet Pasha and Mejelle)
- * Osmanlı Hukuku (Ottoman Law)
- * Hukukun Serüveni (A Story of Law)
- * Ama Hangi Osmanlı (Which Ottoman Empire)
- * Osmanlı'nın Çöküşü (Collapse of The Ottoman Empire)
- * Sürgündeki Hanedan (The Dynasty in Exile)
- * Osmanlı'ya Kalan Miras (Ottoman Legacy)
- * Hayatı ve Hatıralarıyla Seyyid Abdülhakim Arvasi (Life and Memoirs of Seyyid Abdulhakim Arvasi)
- * Sultan Abdülhamid’in Son Zevcesi Behice Sultan'la Altı Ay (Six Months with Behice Sultan, the Last Wife of Sultan Abdulhamid)
- * Dini Lügat "İzahlı Misalli Metinlerle" (Religious Dictionary with Explained Example Texts)
- * Ebedî Seâdet Yolunda Bir Ömür - Hüseyn Hilmi Işık (A Lifetime on the Path of Endless Bliss - Hüseyn Hilmi Işık)
- * Yâdigâr Mektûblar - Hüseyn Hilmi Işık (Remembrance Letters - Hüseyn Hilmi Işık)
- * İstanbul'a Osmanlı Mührü (Ottoman Seal to Istanbul)
- * Asya'dan Avrupa'ya Türkler (Turks from Asia to Europe)
- * Hatıralar (Memoirs)
- * İslâm Fıkhında Mezheplere Uymak (Observing to Madhhabs in Islamic Fiqh)
- Evlilik Rehberi (2024)
- Türk Hukuk Tarihi (2024)
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